
Natural maggots take a significant place in the world of fishing. Artificial ORKA maggots are the true copy of the real ones.

{{filter.SubCLength*1/10}} cm.

Maggots {{subcategory.SubCLength/10|number:0}}

Length weight
{{subcategory.SubCLength*1/10}} cm ({{subcategory.SubCLength/25.4 |number:2}} inch) {{subcategory.SubCWeight}}gr ({{subcategory.SubCWeight*.035274 |number:2}} oz)
Packing types {{pakovanje.pakovanjeNaziv}}

Color {{ProductColorTypeName}}


Color: {{pro.ProductColor}}


Natural maggots take a significant place in the world of fishing. Artificial ORKA maggots are the true copy of the real ones.

Natural maggots take a significant place in the world of fishing. Artificial ORKA maggots are the true copy of the real ones. If they are treated with artificial aroma they may give equally good results in fishing of any kind of fish, which take these maggots as their food. They may be used in fishing with float. They are also effective in fishing under the ice with the use mormisk twisters. On the running water, ORKA maggots can be used without aroma because they are in constant movement. For the best results on the stagnant water it is necessary to add aroma. THE WAY OF USE : 48 hours before the use put a desired amount of aroma onto the ORKA maggots and leave them in a plastic, vacuum bag. With the correct usage of the ORKA maggots, the success is guaranteed. ORKA maggots are made in four or five colors and they are in different sizes - from 10 to 15 mm. Each package contains 100 pieces and they are all mixed.


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(+381)62 460 662